martes, 27 de enero de 2009

These Wonderful Evils

Muy bueno este grupo de Chicago formado por Zak Boerger, Dan Hyatt y Alex Killough.

Hasta ahora sólo he podido escuchar las canciones que tienen colgadas en su myspace y algunas otras desperdigadas por la red(, pero ya tienen publicado su primer disco, con el título "Regine Flory", en la discográfica Sparrows & Wires; además de un CD-R autoeditado de título homónimo. Los dos se pueden conseguir en su página web:

Merece la pena investigarlos.

Les dejo una reseña publicada en la siguiente página:

This is in fact the debut album of this Chicago trio (or is it just one man with some guest accompaniment…the plot thickens), and it is well worth a listen. This is another band whose hauntingly subtle sound pays heavy homage to the many other Middle American greats. With buzzing, growling chords suspended on wisps of singing feed back the album opens with a nicely crooned dark ballad. The rest of the album continues in this incredibly sparse sound and ploddingly meditative tempos that are always accompanied with very well placed strums. This is a definite gem of an album for those who still enjoy the solitary sounds of a man and his guitar.
The real beauty on this one comes from the range in tones used; from the incredibly muscular overdriven tones of the opener to the much more ethereal acoustic and a capella ponderings interspersed among the remaining tracks. The effects are pleasantly minimal, reverb, fuzz, and maybe a hint of tremolo, but always the pure tone of the guitar and voice is the emphasis. This is definitely one you must check out if you are into earlier Songs: Ohia, Pearls Before Swine, or Skip Spence as this is probably the best release of this ilk that I have heard since Pyramid Electric Company. 8/10 – Kevin Richards (17 December, 2008)

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